The Benefits of Beetroot Powder | Healthylife

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The benefits of beetroot powder

31 October 2023|3 min read

Key Points

  • Beetroot powder is rich in nitrates, which is important for blood pressure and blood flow.
  • It provides your body with essential nutrients like potassium and vitamin C.
  • It may enhance oxygen transport, benefitting athletes in various sports.

If you’re a health enthusiast or someone looking to boost your athletic performance, you may have come across the growing buzz around beetroot powder. Beetroot supplements, either in the form of juice, powders or gels, have gained popularity for their potential health benefits – you’ll likely find it in the health section, alongside products like mushroom powder – but what exactly is beetroot powder, and how can it contribute to your wellbeing? 

In this article, we delve into the benefits of beetroot powder and take a look at some important considerations when incorporating it into your diet.

What are the health benefits of beetroot powder? 

To understand the benefits of beetroot powder, we spoke with Simone Austin, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Advanced Sports Dietitian and Chair of the Healthylife Advisory Board, about the composition of this colourful vegetable.

“Beetroot juice or powder is packed with dietary nitrate,” Simone says. “Dietary nitrate can be used to boost the production of nitric oxide, or nitrites, which play a crucial role in controlling blood pressure, blood flow, and muscle movements.

“Think of it like this: it acts as a vasodilator, which means it widens your blood vessels, reducing pressure. Picture trying to push water through a narrow straw compared to a wide one. With the wider straw, water flows more easily, and similarly, it increases blood flow, potentially helping lower blood pressure.”

Dietary nitrate can also be found in leafy green vegetables and some fruits. It is also found in processed meats such as ham and bacon, however Simone doesn’t suggest increasing these foods to obtain nitrates. 

In addition to its other advantages, beetroot is also a good source of potassium, an essential electrolyte that helps maintain proper hydration and healthy blood pressure levels.

Beetroot is also packed with phenolic compounds, including essential vitamins like vitamin C and beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A). The vibrant red and purple colours of beetroot are attributed to a group of compounds known as betalains. These betalains not only give beetroot its pretty ruby hue, but are also believed to offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

But how does it taste… is it gross?

One common question about beetroot powder is, “What does it taste like?” Beetroot powder has a distinctive flavour, and regardless of what you mix it with, you will likely taste it. Some people may like the taste, while others won’t. 

“You can mix it with water, blend it into your daily smoothies, or add it to things like yoghurt,” shares Simone.


Juicing is a good way to obtain the nutritional benefits of beetroot

Beetroot powder supplements — yes or no?

While there may be benefits to beetroot powder supplements, eating beetroot or other vegetables that contain nitrates is the preferred way to get your nutrients. 

“I always recommend food first,” says Simone, “however, if you’re looking for a specific benefit such as improved sporting performance, then supplementation with powder or juice can give you a known amount of nitrate, whereas food sources will vary depending on the soil and the type of vegetable.”


The nitrates found in beetroot powder or juice allow more oxygen to pass through the blood vessels, which may benefit high-performance athletes

What are the key beetroot powder benefits for athletes? 

As noted in the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Sports Supplement Framework, beetroot powder may offer benefits for athletes and fitness lovers.

Simone shares, “Nitrates found in the beetroot powder or juice are involved in increasing nitric oxide levels that result in dilating blood vessels which allow more oxygen through the vessels, therefore, transporting more blood around the body. Blood carries oxygen, hence an interest in why it may increase sports performance when oxygen needs are higher.”

This may be especially helpful for certain types of workouts, such as:

  • Endurance events: For long-lasting, moderate-intensity activities such as running or cycling.
  • Aerobic fitness training: To support your aerobic capacity during workouts.
  • High-intensity intermittent events: In sports that require short bursts of sprinting.
  • Altitude training: When training at high altitudes with lower oxygen levels.

Are there any potential risks when taking beetroot powder supplements? 

There are a few things to be aware of when it comes to beetroot powder supplements. Let’s take a look:

  • Possible digestive issues: Some people may experience mild stomach discomfort like bloating or diarrhea when taking beetroot supplements. To avoid this, start with a small dose to see how your body reacts.
  • Changes in urine colour: Beetroot powders and supplements may turn your urine pink or red. Don’t worry; it’s a harmless and normal side effect.
  • Medication interactions: If you’re taking medications, especially those related to blood pressure, consult your healthcare professional before taking beetroot supplements. As Simone advises, “Beetroot supplements could affect your blood pressure, so it’s important to discuss with your doctor before taking them.”
  • Doping risk: Keep in mind that all supplements carry some risk of contamination, with varying levels of risk among different products. Simone explains, “For athletes subject to drug testing, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential doping risk associated with supplements.” Look for certified products that have undergone HASTA or Informed Sport testing to minimise this risk.

Taking beetroot powder may have some side effects, so consult your healthcare professional to see if it’s right for you

Making the right choice for you

There are a number of benefits you may experience when taking beetroot powder supplements. However, as is the case when taking any new supplement, always check with your healthcare professional first. 


Simone Austin is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, an Advanced Sports Dietitian, author of Eat Like An Athlete and past President of Sports Dietitians Australia. Her passion for optimising sports performance and health through nutrition has led Simone through her 25+ year career working with some of Australia’s top sports teams.

Reviewed by the Healthylife Advisory Board October 2023